Saturday, May 26, 2012


So I'm kinda new to Pinterest, but I managed to get a profile and a button up on it!!!
Also, any advice on what to Pin? I plan on Pinning geekyness, because that's just who I am and I hope you'll enjoy my silly stuff I Pin too!!!
I hope this will get me more readers!!! ^_^ So go on and Pin me!!!



Thursday, May 24, 2012

51st Post!!! ( Because 50 is just Cliche!)

Hooray!!! 51st post on the blog!!! When I first made this blog, I didn't know what it was going to turn into. Buttons, Twitter, and a Facebook page later, it has gotten a little bit more attention than what it had!!! I would like to thank all of you for still reading this blog and I would like to thank the new readers off of Facebook and Twitter!!! Without you guys reading, I think I would have just given up this blog and let it sit here in the middle of the interwebs and die. Thanks for taking interest in my geekyness and my silly antics and funny World of Warcraft pictures!!! You, the readers, are Awesomesauce!!! Thank you for being you!!!


Monday, May 21, 2012

A Much Needed Relaxing Weekend

wind in my hair and the sun on my face
This weekend was a nice one, with a rare solar eclipse that I purposely blinded myself with, played some Magic and Pokemon games with Beans and Sherlock, had a couple of laughs, and finally got a jump start on an experiment with with my friend Kels.
 The photo above was taken with a Jelly Lens that my best friend Kels sent me in a wonderful birthday package a few weeks back. I tried one out and BAM! Got this pretty awesome picture. Well she also sent me some film ( YAY!!!!) so that I can start taking pictures again, but one was already exposed. Our experiment is to take pictures on a roll of film and send them to each other and double expose them. We are gonna try and theme them out  or ever just take pictures of random shit and send them to each other. How this works is that we manually roll our film with out it getting all the way into the canister and then we mail them to one another. We even have a special box that I would like call The Little Film Transportation Device to send it in! ^_^ In the future, I shall take a picture of it and show you guys.
I can't wait to share the results with you guys!!!

How was your weekend and what type of experiments are you trying to pursue?
Leave a comment below in the comment box ( it's open for everyone ^_^) or on Facebook or Twitter.



Thursday, May 17, 2012

So I've Kinda Been Anti-social.....

 Soooo, I've kinda been anti-social with my real life friends, my interweb/WoW friends and my family. I don't know why, but I get in a kind of funk and I don't really want to talk to anyone. But I feel bad that I haven't talked to anyone, so I try and let everyone know that I'm still thinking about them and that I haven't forgotten about them, it's just that I haven't been in the mood to talk because I really don't have much to talk about or that I just don't want to talk. (I'm weird...)
 I've been feeling homesick since my birthday a few weeks back, missing everyone and also being bummed out that I'm 25 now. I'm not a youngling anymore, I'm realizing that I'm getting old. I've also haven't really accomplished much in my life and I feel like I need to still prove myself, prove to my family and friends that I can do something. But instead, I've kind of been on the down low and have been hiding myself from the world, and I feel like me hiding from everyone will make things better, and in reality, it's not. It's actually really sad that I'm afraid to talk to people when I'm in a funk because I'm afraid they are going to judge me because I tend to be weird about my dreams and what I want to do with my life.
 I know eventually I'll get out of this funk, but right now, I'm gonna kind of wallow in it and keep trying to find the positive I bring to the people around me and try not to stress out about my achievements and goals and try live life as positive and happy as I can.



Monday, May 14, 2012

A Cranky Old Man, a Bench, and My Vanilla Milk Obessesion

 I got scolded by an old man for taking a seat on a bench. I guess it's his normal bench to sit on, but how was I supposed to know? He said, rather rudely, "There are other places to sit!!!" and my reply was "I know." I still sat down and drank my vanilla milk while I waited for time to pass before I had to attend a meeting for the Animal Shelter.
 It kinda makes me wonder, why are old people cranky? Are they so mad at life that they feel like they have to take it out on everyone around them? Also, because they're old, do they think they can get away with acting like an asshole? Don't they realize that if they keep being cranky, it's going to kill them faster? Or maybe that's what they want..... I think I've found the answer!
 And why was he so upset that I sat on a bench? I chose a bench that was in the sun because I wanted to warm up. It was chilly this morning and my sweater was not cutting it, it kept letting the cold breeze through. I like to sit in the sun and think for a while...Think about what I am going to do this week (which isn't much), think about the topics in the meeting I was waiting for, thinking how vanilla milk tastes so effing awesome, and since that old man bitched at me, thinking about him too.
 After I got over thinking about how silly that old man was, I started thinking of my vanilla milk I bought from the grocery store in order for me to take out some cash to get some bus fare, and how it's my new favorite obsession. I love this stuff!!! If it came in powdered form (and I know somewhere it has to, IT HAS TO!!!), I would be all over that shit! It reminds me of an horchata (Mexican rice drink for those of you who don't know). I haven't had a decent horchata since I moved away from home, and on my birthday, I needed cash for my pedicure and I forgot to go to the bank to get it. Lo and behold, I stopped at the store, picked up some vanilla milk because strawberry was out, and took out some cash-a-roos. I FELL IN LOVE!!!!!! I don't think I can have strawberry or chocolate milk ever again. I mean, I will have it again, but if I had to choose between the three, vanilla will win by a long shot. And I mean a loooooooooooooooooooooong shot. I probably sound like a crack head, but if you ever find it, try it out some vanilla milk and tell me if you like it. And if you don't, well more for me!!!

What are your most favorite beverages? And also, have you had a rude encounter with an old person? Leave a comment below, it's open to the public, or on Facebook and let me know!



Friday, May 11, 2012


 As some of you know, I volunteer for an animal shelter as their cat blogger. Well, a few weeks back I wrote about being a cat walker where I walked the cats in a stroller. I think I also wrote that I helped get two cats get adopted too because of walking them around.
 Well, I got an email like normal to write about whatever cat they want me to write about, but this one struck a cord with me...It was about one of the cats that was adopted. I am sad that she ended up getting returned to the animal shelter. It's very disheartening and I am starting to realize the politics at the animal shelter that the leader of the media team warned me about. I remember her telling me when we first met that some people are about the animals and there are some that are all about collecting the money.
 I have heard that some of the cat adopter people, who help get some of the cats adopted, have been pressuring people to adopt, likewise with the dog adopter people. I'm actually kinda pissed that this is happening. No one should be pressured to adopt any animal they are not sure of. And it makes me wonder if the cat I wrote about today, the one I strolled around with and supposedly helped get adopted, was forced upon someone to adopt her, it just really gets under my skin.
 I feel torn on what I should do. I do like volunteering, and I am here for the animals more than anything to help them find a home, but I don't want to be a part of something where they are going to force animals on people.
 Just seeing all of this happening, and granted it's only been a month and a half since I started volunteering, just rubs me the wrong way.
For now I will keep blogging for them, because I am only their cat blogger, not anything else unless they need me, until I am able to find real work, even if it's still blogging, but for an actual company or something along the lines.



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

She's Got That Spark!

Shirt: Hand-Me-Down from a friend who got it from Threadless
Belt: Hot Topic
Pants: Areopostale (Couple years old)
Shoes: Vans Classic Slip-on (Plaid)

I'm not one to have one personal style; I can dress down and I can clean up real well, but with this outfit, this is my norm: being comfortable in my own skin. I decided to put on some make up today as well and when I feel put together, I feel great! I feel like have that "spark" where I feel like I can conquer the world with a kind smile and a fire in my heart. I just wonder what exactly I am supposed to conquer...
Well what ever it is...Look out world!!! Here I Come!!!!



Another LOL in the World of Cheesecraft!

This past week in the World of Warcratft it was Children's Week. Children's Week is a week where you take out your orphan NPC (Non-player character) and do little quests and then get a mini-pet as a reward. I love Children's Week because it always lands around my birthday and I love getting the little Bloodelf orphan because she is adorable. But when I "returned" her back to the orphanage after I finished all my quests, I felt like going into this said orphanage to look at all the little baby NPCs. Well I came across a hookah between these two baby Taurens.
Baby Hookah
Who is in charge of taking care of these orphans?!

 I managed to take a screeny to make it look like one of the baby Taurens was smoking the hookah. I laughed for a good 10 minutes because I found it to be awesomely hilarious!

I hope you guys find it as funny as I did. It's a good laugh for all!

Share with me some of your screenies ^_^!



Sunday, May 6, 2012

Update On Dilemma

So here is an update on Dilemma - I didn't throw the bag of poop in her back porch, but instead wrote a note that was simple and got to the point which said, in red letters: Please Pick Up After Your Dogs. And the message enough was clear. She threw away the bag and started picking up after her dogs. I am glad I was able to do this with out a confrontation. I don't like to confront people unless I really have to, and with this issue, I was going to if my note hadn't have worked. I just hope she'll keep up picking up after her dogs for as long as I live here, because if it starts up again, I will go to management.



Thursday, May 3, 2012


I seem to be in a dilemma....
 I have a neighbor who doesn't pick up after her dogs and I am trying to find a cordial way to ask her to pick up after them.
 Yesterday I caught her, and she was too chicken shit to get confronted, so I picked up her dogs' shit in a bag and put it on her porch. Later during the day while I was gone, she put the bag back in my yard. I ended up putting it back on her porch when I noticed it.
 Later in the evening, I noticed it was gone, thinking it got thrown away, until I saw it on her grass. This morning I noticed it was gone again. At this point I just gave up and thought that maintenance picked it up and threw it away. But as I was getting the mail, I saw the bag on my next door neighbor's grass. I plan on getting it and putting a note on it and tossing it in her back porch. If she doesn't get the hint with the note, I will have to talk to our housing manager. This isn't the first time she has done it and I tried complaining about her before, but management gave me the run around. But now that I have a dog, she thinks that I'll be picking up after her dogs and I will be damned if she thinks she can get away with that because I will NOT pick up after her nasty Chihuahuas.
 I am trying to be cordial about this situation but I am sick of this going on. I can't stand people who are not responsible with their pets. If you get any kind of animal, you are now responsible with their life, no mater what breed or species your animals are. You are responsible for their life now because they rely on you. I am just irked that this lady can think she can get away with this.

What are your solutions???
Please, let me know what would be best to get the point across in the comment box on here and on Facebook or Twitter.




If you didn't know, yesterday was my birthday. I am now a quarter of a century old! It was a fun day, though I missed my best friend the most. I managed to get a cupcake as a new tradition for my birthday and got to eat some yummy sushi for lunch. My Love managed to make some tasty homemade sangria too. It was a nice birthday indeed.

