Monday, April 30, 2012


 I have been feeling a little down lately. I just recently went to a going away party for my friends Matt and Christina, and it made me realize that I keep losing my friends. Life happens and people come and go, but wish that they didn't.
 I have a Facebook to keep in touch, but I also have a couple of friends who don't have a Facebook. I try and write letters often to them. I love writing letters because it's not so high tech and it feels awesome to receive something in the mail knowing that someone also took the time to write to you, rather than type a quick blurb that sometimes isn't relevant to what you have written.
 I have only one true pen pal, and I am glad that her and I write to each other frequently. When we write to each other, it is pretty much a genuine conversation, it's like as if we are right next to each other talking. I mean, yes we email and call and video chat with each other, but it's also nice to be able to write and let her know that "Hey, I miss you and I want you to know." in a personal letter that will have tiny stickers or even a random drawing on the envelope, that it is addressed only for her. It is nice to make someone feel that special.
 I plan on trying to keep in touch with my recent friends who have moved away aside from the Facebook statuses, I want them to know that they are dear to me, as well.
 Maybe it's just a part of growing up and feeling a little sad that the people you meet and have changed your life in some way, leave, but still think of you as a genuine friend means that in some way you have also touched their life. In a way, it just goes to show that you are a true friend.




Thursday, April 26, 2012

Love Comes In Small Packages

When I was volunteering for the flower show, I fell in love with a puppy we were also trying to adopt out. She is a 4 months old Border Terrier Mix. She is so cute and I try really hard to not adopt any animals while I'm volunteering, but my husband thought she was too cute as well. When we went to the Animal Shelter to see her, I was expecting her to not be there and tell me that she was adopted. I am actually surprised no one adopted her, but I am so glad we were able to get her. We spent at least 45 minutes with her at the Animal Shelter and we fell even more in love with her. She is such a cutie and I love her so much! Skitty is still getting used to her puppyness, but she is ok with her, she sniffed her and accepted her. She'll hiss at her once in a while to warn her away when Truffles is becoming a little too hyper, but I keep an eye on both of them. Truffles loves her squeaker toy I bought her and she managed to steal some of Skitty's toys ( little turd lol). I gave up my rubber duck and gave it to her to play with as well, because she is so cute, I don't care if she kills it lol. I am excited to have her and I am glad I was able to adopt her.
 I am looking forward for many years ahead with my new companion.

Tell me your favorite memory about your pet. :)



Sunday, April 22, 2012

An Eventful Weekend

This weekend I volunteered to be a cat walker. Fashion? No way, I'm too short for that haha. Instead, I walked cats in a stroller for the local animal shelter I blog for. It was so much fun! I helped get two cats adopted and a lot of comments on the cat stroller. I really hope I will be able to do something like this again because I love helping out animals.
 Sometimes it's also really hard to be a volunteer because these wonderful animals pull on your heartstrings and you just want to adopt them all, but this isn't Pokémon, these are real animals we are talking about and if you were allowed to adopt them all, well, animal hoarders would have a field day.
 I really hope I can do this again sometime, I really had so much fun! Here is a video of me walking one of our cats, Eve!



Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Honorable Mention

Jellyfish From Striding Away From Yesterdays
It's not everyday that someone you comment on their blog post gives you an honorable mention right back. I feel so special that Striding Away From Yesterdays mentioned me in their post and also drew me the most awesomest Jellyfish ever!!! It even has a cute smiley face!!!
 I love jellyfish! They are my most favorite animals ever, even though they're technically a huge plankton. The way they move in the water is so peaceful and dream-like, but with all their beauty, they're also dangerous. I have never been stung by one, but even if I did, I still wouldn't hate them, because they are so beautiful.

 Thank you again for the Jellyfish, SAFY!!!!!



Friday, April 20, 2012

Jumping for Spring!

 I meant to post this yesterday, but I kinda forgot haha. Yesterday was a nice day that I was actually able to wear shorts for like an hour before the marine layer decided to creep back in and make everything cold again. Trying to jump when a camera is on timer is pretty tough to make sure you don't look like you are straining. This is the only picture that came out nice, but my feet and left hand are missing. I was wearing these cute Vans and I really wanted to show them off.

 I wanted to make myself feel pretty since I've been kinda down in the dumps lately and have been hanging out in pajamas the majority of the time and that isn't cute at all. So I figured if I post pictures of myself looking like I'm having fun, it may raise my spirits. I have to say, it is kind of working. I felt like I needed to be somewhere yesterday, like I was on a mission.

What I'm wearing:
  • Tie-Dye Shirt- Target (Last Summer Season)
  • Mossimo Shorts- Target (Last Summer Season)
  • Lucky Brand Necklace
  • Vans (Classic Slip-On)



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

World of Cheesecraft!

Ok, so as some of you know, I play World of Warcraft. Well...I also like to take screenies of funny stuff that happens in the World of Warcraft...or how I like to call it, World of Cheesecraft.

This screenie I took while I was trying to get the For The Horde achievement so that I can finally get my Black War Bear for my hunter, Sügar. She is one of three mains I have, and she is the only one of the three that does not have this achievement nor the mount. Shame, shame, shame, I know, but I found a group to try and attempt it last night. Let's just say...we didn't get it. We failed so bad on trying to kill Varian, because we got bombarded by Alliance creeps haha. But this didn't discourage us, we pressed on and managed to kill the other city leaders. But my most favorite leader is Tyrande. She is so beautiful, and I almost feel bad killing her. And while I was shooting arrows at her, I realized...her love, Malfurion, was just standing there watching her die. Inside, I giggled a little and decided to take a screenshot of it. I kept telling myself, "Why isn't he trying to save his wife? She's only getting the life beaten out of her by like 40 Horde." Commence the screenshot being taken. *Click*

The red arrow with the skull is Tyrande who is getting killed by us, and Malfurion is in the back with the outlined red arrow with the caption "You got this, Tyrande! I'll stand here and watch...derp!!!" because I heard him in my head saying this as I was killing Tyrande with the rest of my fellow Horde. I actually could not stop laughing after I took the screenie.

I must post more silly screenshots of the silliness I encounter in the World of Cheesecraft for those of you who play and will like a laugh once in a while, because in all honesty, there are way too many players that take this game way too seriously. Myself included sometimes. But I also like to have fun as well and this is how I make myself and others smile.



Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday, Lazy Sunday

Today is one of the laziest Sundays I have had in a while. I blame myself for staying up way too late and then sleeping in. When I sleep in, I can't seem to find the motivation to "wake up" and do the things I need to do. ( Cleaning, cleaning and some more cleaning....) 
 So i decided to post a picture of Skitty showing all of you how I feel. I sometimes wish I could have a life as a lounge cat who just lounges about all day, steals blankets your human was using and sleep on it. To get belly rubs and meow ever so often to see if you will get a reply or a chance at scoring some food. But I did manage to write a post today (on here and my volunteer work). 
 The day is so nice that I wish I could go to the beach and lay on the sand and soak up the sun. That would be the best and most true Lazy Sunday to have, but alas, I do not have the proper transportation at them moment, nor do I really want to go to the beach alone. So instead, I will postpone my beach day for another day and I shall stay in my jammies and lounge around like a cat I sometimes wish to be.

 How is your Sunday going?



Friday, April 13, 2012

Rain, rain, and some more rain!!!

So I wanted to say thank you for all the new likes I have received ^_^.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I want to try and get this blog going. I am unsure if i want to make it a semi fashion/photography blog or just keep it as real as possible along with the fashion/photography bits.
Today, as we all know, is Friday the 13th. It was strange how bad of a day it started because normally Friday the 13th's are my lucky days. Everything this morning was kinda poopy, my clothes felt weird, my hair wasn't coming out nicely like it normally does, it just felt blah and poopy. So I tried to brush it off and go about my day.
 I got an application for a candy store in town and I also tried to apply to a beef jerky store as well, but the manager was not there, so I ended up leaving a resume instead. I am crossing my fingers that I will be able to get some kind of work done. I would like to buy a better camera for my pictures.
 The day tended to get a little better and then the dark clouds came in. Rain came pouring down and it was wonderful! If you know me, you know I love  rain. It rained so hard, it reminded me of the monsoons back home. There was even lightning!!!! Bur I'm forgetting something....Oh yes....THE HORRIBLE CALIFORNIA TRAFFIC!!! When it rains, they freak the eff out. They tend to drive ridiculously slow or speed up and slam on their brakes and almost cause accidents on the freeways. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. For like 20 minutes. I finally made it home like an hour ago, with a splitting headache that is finally going away. I hope that the rest of the day will go by smoothly.
 I just want to thank you all again for liking my blog. Thanks!!! ^_^



Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Stuff!!!

So I got kinda bored and I figured out how to add buttons for you to follow me on Instagram and on Bloglovin'!!!

As I try to write more and try to get more followers, I will add more buttons later on.

Hooray for new stuff!!!



Update- I now added Facebook buttons!!! You can also like my blog's page at


Feeling Lazy
 I woke up way too late today... I needed to do stuff today, but since my phone failed to wake me up, I am now a lazy bum.
I posted a blog for the animal shelter, 2 actually, but one was already scheduled for today. I don't mind blogging for the animal shelter, but at the same time, I want something more. I would like to get paid for writing, but fat chance that is going to happen. I don't know what is popular right now.
 I really wanted to wake up early today so that I could go job hunting into town. I've been trying to apply to places online, and I feel like it's just not going anywhere. I revamped my resume as well, so I really hope that will help too.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So when I was trying to look for work, I decided to see if I could volunteer at the local animal shelter. They said I can volunteer for their media team. I was so excited because this will give me new skills to work on and also give me something fun to do while I still job search. I've learned how to Twitter lol!!! I still refuse to get one for myself, but when I post something on Facebook for their page, it goes to their Twitter too. I am the official Cat Blogger. I get to blog about the cats at the shelter to try and get them adopted as well as tips about cats.

If I end up liking this enough, maybe I will put myself out there to try and blog for a company or something.

Wish me luck!!!

