Thursday, August 30, 2012

How Music Speaks to Me...

Lately I've been listening to a lot of songs to keep me myself on track. But the funny thing is, it's always the sad songs that speak to me more than the happier ones. And no, I'm not sad when I listen to them, I just like to enjoy the song.

When listening to music, I sometimes don't have to have a reason to want to listen to it other than to just enjoy it. I don't have a favorite genre per se, I listen to what I feel like listening too and that ranges from Screamo to Disney showtunes. I'm sure I weird people out when I get excited over old school gangster rap or if I start singing a little Van Halen afterwards.

I never really realized it was an issue with the music I listen to until I was told that what I've been listening to isn't "normally" what I listen to. But what is "normal" music? And why do I have to have a reason to listen to whatever?

Some songs speak to me and take me back to whatever memory I have connected to it. If I listen to the song "Every Thug Needs A Lady" by Alkaline Trio, I see my 16 year old self singing it while walking home with my cousin from the bus stop. Or if I hear any Tupac or Biggie song, I'm reverted back to my 7 year old self sitting in the car with my dad heading to miniature golf.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that music is a part of you, no matter what you listen to, and that you really don't have explain yourself when you listen to certain songs. Whatever song speaks to your heart, listen to it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

What's your favorite song? Or favorite memory that a song brings you back to when you hear it?



Saturday, August 25, 2012

High Fashion - Green Dress

Outfit Detail:
Glasses: Converse (prescription)
Cardigan: Mossimo Boyfriend Cardigan Fall 2012 -Target
Dress: Mossimo Fall 2012 - Target
Necklace: Lucky Brand
Shoes: Xhiliration - Target (Old)

I was finally able to update my wardrobe a little bit! I saw this dress and fell in love with it! I love wearing dresses but the ones I have are normally worn when there are special occasions. This one I bought because I just wanted a dress to wear casually with no reason but to just feel pretty. I paired it with the cardigan because I don't like my shoulders sometimes. (I know.... a weird insecurity about myself, but who doesn't like something about themselves?) 

Things have been hectic, but I do plan to write more often. I just hit a speed bump and I'm trying to get back on track. The ultimate goal is for me to be happy and I will achieve this one way or another. I have to live for me and me alone. Let's see where this will take me...



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thoughts of a Tiny Girl....

A part of me has been soul searching whilst being away and I am kind of torn. A part of me is growing up, trying to figure out life, trying to see what my future will be like, if I'll meet new people, if I'll still be around the same people I know now, if they will still want to be around me, or if I'll still exist.

The other part of me still wants to be that little girl that gets shy around new encounters and hides behind her mother, wary of the world, afraid to see what is beyond the threshold of her childhood home, nervous about disappointing or hurting anyone's feelings in the process.

Truly, I won't know until I explore the uncharted waters and when each encounter comes forth, I will deal with them as best a I can.

Until then, I'll keep my eyes on the stars.... Trying to find my way back home....



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

So Sorry For Writing Late

I have been non-stop for the past week and I apologize for not writing sooner! With two busy weekends in a row with my project and with adoption events, I have completely exhausted myself. I've been slacking in both blogging departments: this lovely blog along with the Animal Shelter's blog.

It also doesn't help that I will be heading out for a week and I plan on taking my laptop with me to play catch up on the Animal Shelter's blog.... but my project will be put on hold for another weekend, which makes me sad. It has been the only thing (aside from other things....) that has been keeping me sane.

I just hope I will be able to balance things out again.... Wish me luck!

