Saturday, June 30, 2012

Baby Dolls and Skeleton Pow Wows!!!

Hello!!! And welcome to another installment of World of Cheesecraft!!!

I have been leveling my Warlock, Tabathá, because I want her to be available to raid when MoP (Mists of Pandaria for all of you that don't play WoW) comes out.

So I was in a random dungeon called Scholomance and I came across a Skeleton Pow Wow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Meet Alabaster, My Bike!

Meet Alabaster, My Bike

Outfit detail: 
Sunglasses: Ray Ban -Wayfarer
Shirt: Areopostal Cami
Shorts: Target- Mossimo
Shoes: Sketchers- Bobs
Bike: Phat Cycles- Sea Wind

 I apologize for not writing sooner!!! I was very busy last week. I ventured out to the Valley of the Sun for a graduation and managed to take some pictures of cacti while I was there. ( My experimental film is almost up and I will post pics soon when I get them developed!)

Anywho... I got a new bike!'s my second new bike... My first one I got, the rim was bent and I had to take it back and I was so bummed out. So I went on a quest to find a new one and I just couldn't fall in love with all the bikes I came across. I went to store, after store, after store... and I just couldn't find "The One." Silly, I know, but I am a silly girl who has connections with things that are normally insignificant to other people. I managed to come across Alabaster. She is all white with pink rims and black handle bars. I saw her at Holland's and I just couldn't get her out of my mind. I saw another cute bike that was similar to her, but with designs and all, but I kept coming back to Alabaster. She didn't have fenders, so when I decided to get her, I gave her her beautiful fenders. She is my white horse I ride around the island instead of taking the bus now, and I love her.
 I wanted to customize her originally when I got her, but when I rode her for the first time last week, I changed my mind on that. I love her the way she is and I don't want to ruin her with sandpaper and mess up whatever design I would try to paint on her.
 Again, a lot of people will say, "It's just a bike." Well, yes she is, but she's my bike. I guess the feeling you get when you purchase a new car is the feeling you can relate to me loving my bike. She is something that is truly mine and I am really happy I have her. ^_^
And with the weather starting to warm up ( FINALLY!), I plan on riding Alabaster everywhere!!! 

What was your first purchase that made you really happy?



Saturday, June 16, 2012

Here Comes The Sun...

Enjoying the Sun

Sorry for such a late post, I meant to write this on Thursday, but this whole week has been hectic.

The Sun finally peeked out of the clouds!!! It was so nice, I had to go outside and play with Truffles. And yes, those are my socks, I didn't even bother putting on shoes, I just wanted to warm up because it was so cold during the morning.

When the sun came out it made me miss the outdoors and how much fun I had last summer hiking with my friend Kels. We would go to Cedar Creek Falls, aka The Devil's Punchbowl, once a week til it closed because some kid died from jumping off a cliff there (Jerk!) and ever since then the summer hasn't been the same. I haven't been able to find any good hiking spots ever since.

Little do you know, this was really high up and I feared for my life.

I truly miss the outdoors and feeling trapped inside the house sucks....
Now some of you are probably saying, "Well, why don't you just go to the park?"

Well, the park just isn't the same. I mean, yes, it's away from sound, and the grass is nice, and there are trees, but I like to get dirty -as in covered in dirt. I like to feel like I accomplished something. When you get to the top of the mountain, you feel amazing, you feel like you've conquered the world. And even for just that moment, you truly have nothing to worry about.

What do you like to do outdoors? Where are your favorite hiking spots? Let me know and I will surly try and check them out!!!

(Ta Ta For Now!)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

From Bleh to Ahh...

^ So today started off like this ^
^ and pretty much ended like this. ^

From the pictures above, it pretty much sums up the day.  "But you're wearing the same thing in both pictures..." you say. caught me... If I were to show you my current state....well, you might not want to read my blog lol. I'm a mess currently (after a Zumba class, who isn't a mess?) and yes, I am using two pictures that I took of myself this morning because I was being a ham. But they are current on what today was like and this was just by chance.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Cloudy Days and a Red Velvet Cupcake

It's been cloudy for the past couple of days and cloudy days make me so sleepy. After being around the sun for forever growing up, normally clouds are a blessing with the hopes of rain to fall from them. But since I moved from the land of the sun, clouds during the summer time are so bumming and there isn't the promise of rain from them either, just cold wind ruining my bikini wearing, beach weather. It is June, after all... and I'm in my winter coat.

Friday, June 1, 2012

New Camera, New Adventures Ahead!

Outfit detail:
Cardigan- Mossimo Summer 2011- Target
Shirt- Gift from my mom
Pants- Arizona Jeans- JC Penny
Shoes- Bobs-Sketchers

So I ordered this awesome Argus 75 off of and I finally got it in the mail!!! I LOVE it!!! It came with the leather case and a portrait lens!!!( the silver lens on top that is removable :D)
I'm excited to start taking pictures with this wonderful little guy!!! The only downfall that makes me a little sad is that I won't be able to take double exposures with this little guy and that I'll have to ask for my metal spools back when I get my film developed. But that's ok!!! My little Argus is adorable and I love him!!! Argus and Holga will get a long well!!!
Now I just need to start going on more adventures to take some pictures with my Argus! But where to start? I might be heading to the desert sometime soon and I could start there and work my way back to the ocean!
I also have to finish my current experiment double exposure film that my BFF Kelsie and I are currently on and when I get those developed I will post about them soon!!!

I can't wait to share all of the results with you guys!!!



(ps- sorry it took me so long to write to you all this week, but thank you for being so patient :))