Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Current Project

So, if you've been following my Facebook page, I told you guys that I would be starting a new project soon.

*Cue Music*


Here it is!!!

Some of us are scavengers in the neighborhood. If something is in somewhat good condition, we'll snatch it up. Well, this is my new treasure. I plan to turn it into a jewelry armoire/trinket holder.

I started sanding it today, but I'll have to finish it during the week, my arms got real tired and I kinda started late in the day since I woke up late. But I can't wait until it's done!!!

I plan to repaint it a matte white and repaint the inside of the doors with chalkboard paint. Yes.... I said chalkboard paint. It's like the coolest paint ever. Then I plan to put some wall decals on the outside.

I really hope it will come out as awesome as it looks in my mind. ^_^



Friday, July 27, 2012

For the Love of Taking Photographs

I was finally able to have some much needed down time and decided to take Alabaster for a ride to a park that's very secluded and quiet. I wanted to try out the time lapse feature on my Argus, but I also brought Holga along as well! ^_^

Argus was taking in the view and I'm glad I didn't need a cable to keep the exposure open. I'm hoping the picture comes out awesome, this was my second attempt, since the last exposure on the other flim might be a bust. It's cool though. That's the thing about film photography - you'll never truly know what you'll get until you get your photographs back, and that's what makes it more fun!



Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday Pride

Dedicated to the two most awesomest people I know!

Well this weekend was a blast!

I went to the Pride Festival out here with some friends to show my support for two of the most awesomest people I know and that are very dear to my heart. I don't want to give their identity away since it's still unknown to some.

It was so much fun and I saw things that would make a normal woman weep, but I'm no ordinary lady. :P

It just amazes me how people have preconceived notions about same-sex relationships, it's kind of mind boggling to say the least. They are like you and I. They have the same capability to love one another. The same capability to raise a family. They're just a little more flashy and you know what, that's ok too! It's great to be fabulous!



Friday, July 20, 2012

Finally Moving Forward

Soooo, as some of you know, I originally made this blog to showcase my pictures. Well, this blog has seemed to bloom into my everyday life encounters instead and I like what has become of it.

"But what about the pictures?"

Well, I'm glad you asked! I set up a deviantArt account for them and I have started to post them on there instead! I am so happy!!! I even put up a link to my page on the right hand side of the blog.

It's still a work in progress, but I plan to put up so much more, including the film I have waiting to be developed! I'm so happy that things are starting to move forward, though it is a little slow, I know I'll be able to accomplish anything I put my mind to.



Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Life's a Beach

Yesterday was a really great day to go out and lounge at the bay and soak up some much needed Vitamin D. After a tough day of volunteering (dealing with angry kittens and rude people), I kinda just said "F*ck it!" after I got home and decided to go to the beach.

Truffles had a great time as well! She's a natural beach bum that likes to lay with me as I relax, the only thing is, I gotta keep the sunscreen away from her-she likes to lick it.

With the cool breeze and the sound of the waves, I was able to collect my thoughts and tell myself that everything will be ok. And you know what? Everything is ok, actually, everything is great!

How was your Monday?


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Trying to relax...

Pardon the torn up couch...

This weekend has been kinda hectic. Well, this whole week has been kinda hectic. With trying out aerial silks for the first time (got bruised up but it was totally worth it), trying to train a new girl that ended up not showing up yesterday (and her reasoning was understandable), volunteering, letting the house go up in shambles and being part of a bet that my WoW friends set up and kept me up til 3 am for the past couple nights (totally worth it) will take it's toll on the body. ( And yes, I realize that all of these events are out of order)

With a drink in tow and my legs kicked up, I can finally relax...for a day. *cries* I gotta start it all back up tomorrow. But sleep is for the dead and I'm not finished living yet. So here's to the rest of my weekend!!!

Hope your weekend has treated you well. Let me know what your plans were in the comment box below, FB, or Twitter!



Monday, July 9, 2012

Speaking Up For The Little Guys....

So today I went to the monthly meeting that the Animal Shelter holds and for once I actually spoke up. I may have made a couple of the old ladies mad, but I didn't care. Us volunteers do a lot that goes unseen and I figured I would be that voice.

I just hope that me speaking up will help us in the long run. At the end of the meeting, the president of the whole group thanked me... So in my book, I take it that everything will be ok.... But a part of me will worry about it until I see the results. I'm crossing my fingers that my voice was actually heard, because as of late, I feel like I've been talking to a wall...



Thursday, July 5, 2012

Looking Good for a Nuclear Apocalypse

Hanging out like normal...
What the hell?

ZOMG Nuclear Explosion!!!

Outfit Detail:
Head band: Hot Topic (old)
Jacket: Xhilaration- Target Winter Collection 2010
Shirt: Sanctify- (old) 
Pants: City Streets- JC Penny
Shoes: Bongo- Hand me down from my mom

Well, on Monday, I was feeling pretty bad ass with my awesome jacket because it was cold. (What the hell, it's July for crying outloud!)

So I felt like taking pictures of my outfit before I had to go and volunteer and these are the results. The only editing I did was cropping, the rest of the results came from my digital camera alone.

So when the world decides to have a nuclear apocalypse (or a zombie one), I know I'm gonna look good!



(PS- I'm Agnostic, so with the Christian clothing site (or any site for that matter) I posted up, I'm not pushing any views on you, I'm posting cool looking clothes for you to enjoy.)